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The Open Data Inventory (ODIN)

This page is set to serve accessing the relevant indicators only. Having said that, PCBS does not guarantee its comprehensiveness; hence, those who want to have a comprehensive examination of the indicators have to use other search methods.

  • Population & vital statistics
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    1.1 Population data Estimated Population in the Palestine Mid-Year,1997-2026Governorate1997-2026excel
    1.1 Population data Census Final Results Summary, 2017 - Updated Versionsex; age groups, marital status, Governorate2017pdf wordexcel Table 2, p. 71 , Table 3, p. 72, Table 6, p. 80, Table 29, p. 116
    1.2 Birth rate Estimated Crude Birth Rate in the State of Palestine by Region and Sex, 2017-2021Region and Sex2017-2022excel
    1.3 Death rate Estimated Crude Death Rate in the State of Palestine by Region and Sex, 2017-2022Region and Sex2017-2022excel
  • Education facilities
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    2.1 Number of schools or classrooms. Ministry of Education, 2022. Data base of education survey for the scholastic years 2011/2012-2020/2021.Supervising Authority, Region, Governorate2011/2012- 2020/2021excel
    2.1 Number of schools (Basic Schools) Ministry of Education, 2022. Data base of education survey for the scholastic years 2011/2012-2020/2021.Supervising Authority, Region, Governorate2011/2012- 2020/2021excel
    2.1 Number of schools (Secondary_Schools) Ministry of Education, 2022. Data base of education survey for the scholastic years 2011/2012-2020/2021.Supervising Authority, Region, Governorate2011/2012- 2020/2021excel
    2.2 Number of teaching staff. Ministry of Education, 2022. Data base of education survey for the scholastic years 2011/2012-2020/2021.Supervising Authority, Region, Governorate2011/2012- 2020/2021excel Corresponding SDG indicators 4.c.1
    2.3 Education expenditures Budget of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education*, by Program and Expense Item, 2014School stage, functional categories (such as teachers, supplies, administration, etc.) 2014-2019excel
  • Education outcomes
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    3.1 Enrollment rate (Number of Students) Ministry of Education, 2022. Data base of education survey for the scholastic years 2011/2012-2020/2021.Supervising Authority, Region, Governorate, sex2011/2012- 2020/2021excel
    3.1 Enrollment rate (Number of Students in Basic Stage) Ministry of Education, 2022. Data base of education survey for the scholastic years 2011/2012-2020/2021.Supervising Authority, Region, Governorate, sex2011/2012- 2020/2021excel
    3.1 Enrollment rate (Number of Students in Secondary Stage) Ministry of Education, 2022. Data base of education survey for the scholastic years 2011/2012-2020/2021.Supervising Authority, Region, Governorate, sex2011/2012- 2020/2021excel
    3.1 Enrollment rate. The Status of the Rights of Palestinian Children, 2021: Educational Databases. Directorate General of Planning, Ministry of Education and Higher EducationSex, school stage, school type2020/2021pdf word see p.38
    3.2 Completion or graduation rate. Palestinian Central Bureau  of Statistics, 2022. Data base of labor force survey, 2009-2021.Level of Education, Region and Sex2009-2021excel Corresponding SDG indicators 4.1.2
    3.3 Completency exam results. Ministry of Education, 2022. General Administration of Measurement, Evaluation and ExaminationsRegion, Sex and Program2016-2020excel Corresponding SDG indicators 4.1.1
  • Health facilities
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    4.1 Number of health facilities. Primary and secondary health care indicators for selected years; Ministry of health 2010-2020region2010-2020excel
    4.1 Number of health facilities. The number of public and private hospitals; Statistical Yearbook of Palestine, 2021region2018-2020pdf word page 47
    4.2 Number of beds or data on health care staff. Number of Registered Physician and Nurses in Palestine by Region; PCBS data base, 2001-2020Profession; region2001-2019excel Corresponding SDG indicators 3.c.1
    4.2 Number of beds or data on health care staff. Number of Registered Physician and Nurses in Palestine by Region; Statistical Yearbook of Palestine, 2021Profession; region2020pdf word page 47
    4.3 Health expenditures Percentage Distribution of Current Expenditure on Health in Palestine* by Financing Schemes and Health Care Functions, 2000-2020function of care2000-2020excel
    4.3 Health expenditures Percentage of current expenditure on health in Palestine*distributed by function of care of for the years 2014-2016function of care 2014-2016
    4.3 Health expenditures Palestinian Health Accounts, 20202020
  • Health outcomes
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    5.1 Immunization rate. Palestinian Family Survey, 2010 - in englishage; sex; region2010pdf CH.1-CH2 pages 50 -52
    5.1 Immunization rate. Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, 2014 - in english sex; region2014pdf word table CH1,2, pages 55 -59
    5.1 Immunization rate. Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, 2019-2020 - in englishage; sex; region, governarete, locality type2019-2020pdf wordexcel table TC1.2, pages 121 -123, Corresponding SDG indicators 3.b.1,
    5.2 Diseases prevalence Ministry of Health. Data base, 2020region2015-2020excel Corresponding SDG indicators 3.3.2 Tuberculosis incidence per 1,000 persons per year
    5.2 Diseases prevalence Ministry of Health. Data base, 2021region2015-2020excel Corresponding SDG indicators 3.3.3 Malaria incidence per 1,000 persons per year
    5.2 Diseases prevalence Ministry of Health. Data base, 2020region2015-2020excel Corresponding SDG indicators 3.3.4 Hepatitis B incidence per 100,000 population per year
    5.2 Diseases prevalence Ministry of Health. Data base, 2020region2016-2020excel Corresponding SDG indicators 3.3.1 Number of new HIV infections per 1,000 uninfected population
  • Reproductive health
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    6.1 Maternal mortality rate Ministry of Health, 2020Region2015-2020excel Corresponding SDG indicators 3.1.1
    6.2 Infant mortality rate or neonatal mortality rate. Palestinian Central Bureau of StatisticsRegion, Sex2000, 2004, 2010, 2014, 2019excel Corresponding SDG indicators 3.2.2
    6.2 Infant mortality rate or neonatal mortality rate. Palestinian Family Survey 2010 - Final Report (in english only)Region, Locality Type, Sex2010pdf Chapter Child Mortality P. 23-26
    6.2 Infant mortality rate or neonatal mortality rate. Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, 2014 - in englishRegion, Locality Type, Sex2014pdf word Chapter Child Mortality P. 24-27
    6.2 Infant mortality rate or neonatal mortality rate. Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, 2019-2020 - in englishRegion, Locality Type, Sex2019-2020pdf wordexcel Chapter Survive P. 63-67
    6.3 Under-5 mortality rate. Palestinian Central Bureau of StatisticsRegion, Sex2000, 2004, 2010, 2014, 2019excel Corresponding SDG indicators 3.2.1
    6.3 Under-5 mortality rate. Palestinian Family Survey 2010 - Final Report (in english only)Region, Locality Type, Sex2010pdf Chapter Child Mortality P. 23-26
    6.3 Under-5 mortality rate. Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, 2014 - in englishRegion, Locality Type, Sex2014pdf word Chapter Child Mortality P. 24-27
    6.3 Under-5 mortality rate. Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, 2019-2020 - in englishRegion, Locality Type, Sex2019-2020pdf wordexcel Chapter Survive P. 63-67
    6.4 Fertility rate. Palestinian Central Bureau of StatisticsRegion2000, 2004, 2010, 2014, 2019excel
    6.5 Contraceptive prevalence rate. Palestinian Central Bureau of StatisticsRegion, Sex2000, 2004, 2010, 2014, 2019excel Corresponding SDG indicators 3.7.1
    6.5 Contraceptive prevalence rate. Palestinian Family Survey 2010 - Final Report (in english only)national 2010pdf
    6.5 Contraceptive prevalence rate. Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, 2014 - in englishRegion, Locality Type, age, governorate 2014pdf word P. 102-103
    6.5 Contraceptive prevalence rate. Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, 2019-2020 - in englishRegion, Locality Type, age, governorate 2019-2020pdf wordexcel P. 76-77
    6.6 Adolescent birth rate. Palestinian Central Bureau of StatisticsRegion2000, 2004, 2010, 2014, 2019excel Corresponding SDG indicators 3.7.2
    6.6 Adolescent birth rate. Palestinian Family Survey 2010 - Final Report (in english only)Region, Locality Type2010pdf P. 79
    6.6 Adolescent birth rate. Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, 2014 - in englishRegion2014pdf word P. 98
    6.6 Adolescent birth rate. Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, 2019-2020 - in englishRegion2019-2020pdf wordexcel P. 71
  • Food security & nutrition
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    7.1 Prevalence of undernourishment
    7.2 Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 2022. Socio-Economic Conditions Survey, 2020Region, Locality Type, Sex2014-2020excel Corresponding SDG indicators
    7.2 Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 2022. Socio-Economic Conditions Survey, 2020Region, Locality Type, Sex2014-2020excel Corresponding SDG indicators
    7.3 Prevalence of obesity Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014, Final Reportnational 2014pdf word Table DQ.12 P.226 Corresponding SDG indicators
    7.3 Prevalence of obesity Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019-2020, Final ReportSex, region2019-2020pdf wordexcel Table TC.8.1 P.175 Corresponding SDG indicators
    7.4 Prevalence of stunting Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014, Final Reportnational 2014pdf word Table DQ.13 P.226 Corresponding SDG indicators 2.2.1
    7.4 Prevalence of stunting Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019-2020, Final ReportSex, region2019-2021pdf wordexcel Table TC.8.1 P.175 Corresponding SDG indicators 2.2.1
    7.5 Prevalence of wasting Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014, Final Reportnational 2014pdf word Table DQ.14 P.227 Corresponding SDG indicators
    7.5 Prevalence of wasting Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019-2020, Final ReportSex, region, age2019-2020pdf wordexcel Table TC.8.1 P.175 Corresponding SDG indicators
  • Gender statistics
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    8.1 Proportion of women who are victims of physical, sexual, or psychological violence. Time Series Statistics2005/2006, 2010/2011pdf wordexcel
    8.1 Proportion of women who are victims of physical, sexual, or psychological violence. Annual StatisticsSex2011pdf wordexcel
    8.1 Proportion of women who are victims of physical, sexual, or psychological violence Gender statistics/ Domestic ViolenceRegion and age group, Governorate, Type of Violence2019excel Corresponding SDG indicators (5.2.1 Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls aged 15 years and older subjected to physical, sexual or psychological violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by form of violence and by age ) https:/ Corresponding SDG indicators( 5.2.2 Proportion of women and girls aged 15 years and older subjected to sexual violence by persons other than an intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by age and place of occurrence) https:/
    8.1 Proportion of women who are victims of physical, sexual, or psychological violence Gender statistics/ Domestic ViolenceRegion and age group, Governorate, Type of Violence2019excel Corresponding SDG indicators (5.2.1 Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls aged 15 years and older subjected to physical, sexual or psychological violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by form of violence and by age ) https:/ Corresponding SDG indicators( 5.2.2 Proportion of women and girls aged 15 years and older subjected to sexual violence by persons other than an intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by age and place of occurrence) https:/
    8.2 Proportion of women in government, management or senior positions Gender statistics/ Women Empowermentwomen in government (Cabinet) /and women management or senior positions (director generals (grade A4 and above)) 2009-2022excel Corresponding SDG indicators ( Proportion of seats held by women in (a) national parliaments) Corresponding SDG indicators( Proportion of seats held by women in (b) local governments) Corresponding SDG indicators ( Proportion of elected seats held by women in deliberative bodies of local government) Corresponding SDG indicators (5.5.2 Proportion of women in managerial positions)
    8.3 Data on child marriages Child StatisticsRegion2009-2020excel Corresponding SDG indicators (5.3.1 Proportion of women aged 20–24 years who were married or in a union before age 15 and before age 18)
  • Crime & justice
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    9.1 Homicide rate crime and victimization statisticsSex and age group2015, 2017-2020excel Corresponding SDG indicators 16.1.1
    9.1 Homicide rate crime and victimization statisticsGovernorate and Sex2015, 2017-2020excel Corresponding SDG indicators 16.1.1
    9.1 Homicide rate crime and victimization statisticssex and age of perpetrator2017excel
    9.2 Crime rate crime and victimization statisticscrime type2015-2020excel
    9.3 Data on prison population crime and victimization statisticssex; sentencing status2008-2020excel Corresponding SDG indicators 16.3.2
  • Poverty & income
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    10.1 Poverty rate. Tables on Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics>Statistics>Living Conditions>PovertyRegion2009-2011, 2017excel Corresponding SDG indicators (1.1.1, 1.2.1, 1.22)
    10.2 Distribution of income or Gini coefficient. Levels of Living in the Palestinian Territory Final Report (January 2010- January 2011)Region2010pdf wordexcel Table 31.2, P 111
    10.2 Distribution of income or Gini coefficient. Living Standards in the Palestinian Territory Expenditure, Consumption, Poverty, 2011Region2011pdf wordexcel Table 19.2, P 87
    10.2 Distribution of income or Gini coefficient. Main Findings of Living Standards in Palestine (Expenditure, Consumption and Poverty), 2017Region2017pdf wordexcel Table 21.2, P 92
  • National accounts
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    11.1 Gross domestic product (production approach) Major national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 1994- 2018 at current pricesindustry1994- 2018pdf excel
    11.1 Gross domestic product (production approach) Major national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 1994- 2018 at constant prices: 2015 is the base yearindustry1994- 2018excel
    11.1 Gross domestic product (production approach) Major national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 1994- 2018 at constant prices: 2015 is the base yearindustry2004- 2018pdf word
    11.1 Gross domestic product (production approach) Major national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 1994- 2018 at current pricesindustry2004- 2018pdf word
    11.1 Gross domestic product (production approach) Major national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 2017, 2018 at current prices2017- 2018
    11.1 Gross domestic product (production approach) Major national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 2017, 2018 at constant prices: 2015 is the base yearindustry2017- 2018pdf word
    11.1 Gross domestic product (production approach) Quarterly national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 2018, 2019 at constant prices: 2015 is the base year2019pdf word
    11.1 Gross domestic product (production approach) Quarterly national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 2018, 2019 at current prices2019pdf
    11.2 Gross domestic product (expenditure approach)
    11.2 Gross domestic product (expenditure approach) Major national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 1994- 2018 at constant prices: 2015 is the base yearexpenditure categories1994- 2018excel
    11.2 Gross domestic product (expenditure approach) Major national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 1994- 2018 at current pricesexpenditure categories1994- 2018excel
    11.2 Gross domestic product (expenditure approach) Major national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 1994- 2018 at constant prices: 2015 is the base yearexpenditure categories2004- 2018pdf word
    11.2 Gross domestic product (expenditure approach) Major national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 1994- 2018 at current pricesexpenditure categories2004- 2018pdf word
    11.2 Gross domestic product (expenditure approach) Major national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 2017, 2018 at constant prices: 2015 is the base yearexpenditure categories2017- 2018
    11.2 Gross domestic product (expenditure approach) Major national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 2017, 2018 at current pricesexpenditure categories2017- 2018
    11.2 Gross domestic product (expenditure approach) Quarterly national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 2018, 2019 at constant prices: 2015 is the base yearexpenditure categories2019pdf word
    11.2 Gross domestic product (expenditure approach) Quarterly national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 2018, 2019 at current pricesexpenditure categories2019pdf
    11.2 Gross domestic product (expenditure approach) Quarterly national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 2020 - 2021 at current pricesexpenditure categories2019excel
    11.2 Gross domestic product (expenditure approach) Major national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 2019 2020 at current pricesexpenditure categories2019- 2020excel
    11.2 Gross domestic product (expenditure approach) Quarterly national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 2020 - 2021 at constant prices: 2015 is the base yearexpenditure categories2020-2021excel
    11.3 Gross domestic product (income approach) income components Not available
    11.3 Gross domestic product (income approach) income components Not available
  • Labor
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    12.1 Employment rate. Labour Force Survey: Data base 2000-2019sex, age2000-2019excel
    12.1 Percent of Employed Among Labour Force Participants of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above in Palestine by Sex and Governorate, 2000-02021 PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 2000-20212000-2021
    12.1 Percent of Employed Among Labour Force Participants of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above in Palestine by Sex and Governorate, 2000-2021 PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 2000-20212000-2021
    12.1 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from West Bank by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2015" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2015pdf word
    12.1 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Palestine by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2015" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2015
    12.1 Percentage of Employed Persons Aged 15 Years and above from Palestine by Governorate and Sex, 2015 PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2015
    12.1 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2015" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2015
    12.1 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2016" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2016
    12.1 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Palestine by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2016" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2016
    12.1 Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Palestine by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2016 PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2016
    12.1 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from West Bank by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2017" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2017
    12.1 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Palestine by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2017" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2017
    12.1 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2017" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2017
    12.1 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from West Bank by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2018" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2018
    12.1 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Palestine by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2018" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2018
    12.1 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2018" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2018
    12.1 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Palestine by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2019" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2019
    12.1 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2019" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2019excel
    12.1 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from West Bank by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2019" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2019
    12.1 Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Palestine by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2020 PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 20202020
    12.1 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from West Bank by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2020" PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 20202020
    12.1 Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2020 PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 20202020
    12.1 Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Palestine by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2021 PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 20212021
    12.1 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from West Bank by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2021" PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 20212021
    12.1 Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2021 PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 20212021
    12.1 Percent of Employed Among Labour Force Participants of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above in Palestine by Sex and Governorate, 2000-02021 PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 20212021
    12.2 Employment distribution. Labour Force Survey:Data base 2000-2019industry, occupation,Sex2000-2019
    12.2 Percentage Distribution of Employed Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Governorate and Economic Activity, 2018 PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2004- 2018pdf word
    12.2 Percentage Distribution of Employed Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Governorate and Economic Activity, 2015 PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2015
    12.2 Percentage Distribution of Employed Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from the West Bank by Sex, Governorate and Economic Activity, 2015 PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2015
    12.2 Percentage Distribution of Employed Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Governorate and Economic Activity, 2016 PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2016
    12.2 Percentage Distribution of Employed Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from the West Bank by Sex, Governorate and Economic Activity, 2016 PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2016
    12.2 Percentage Distribution of Employed Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from the West Bank by Sex, Governorate and Economic Activity, 2017 PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2017
    12.2 Percentage Distribution of Employed Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Governorate and Economic Activity, 2017 PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2017
    12.2 Percentage Distribution of Employed Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from the West Bank by Sex, Governorate and Economic Activity, 2018 PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2018
    12.2 Percentage Distribution of Employed Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Governorate and Economic Activity, 2019 PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2019
    12.2 Percentage Distribution of Employed Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from the West Bank by Sex, Governorate and Economic Activity, 2019 PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2019
    12.2 Percentage Distribution of Employed Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from West Bank by Sex, Governorate and Economic Activity, 2020 PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 20202020
    12.2 Percentage Distribution of Employed Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Governorate and Economic Activity, 2020 PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 20202020
    12.2 Percentage Distribution of Employed Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from West Bank by Sex, Governorate and Economic Activity, 2021 PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 20212021
    12.2 Percentage Distribution of Employed Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Governorate and Economic Activity, 2021 PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 20212021
    12.3 Unemployment Rate Among Labour Force Participants of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above in Palestine by Sex and Governorate, 2000-2021 PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 2000-20212000-2021
    12.3 Unemployment Rate Among Labour Force Participants of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above in Palestine by Sex and Governorate, 2000-2021 PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 2000-20212000-2021
    12.3 Unemployment Rate Among Labour Force Participants of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above in Palestine by Sex and Governorate, 2000-2021 PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 2000-20212000-2021
    12.3 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2015" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2015
    12.3 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from West Bank by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2015" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2015
    12.3 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Palestine by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2015" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2015
    12.3 Percentage of Employed Persons Aged 15 Years and above from Palestine by Governorate and Sex, 2015 PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2015
    12.3 Unemployment rate. Unemployment Rate Among labour Force Participants of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Palestine by Sex and Governorate, 2015-2020Sex and Governorate2015-2020excel
    12.3 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Palestine by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2016" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2016
    12.3 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2016" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2016
    12.3 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from West Bank by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2016" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2016
    12.3 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2017" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2017
    12.3 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from West Bank by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2017" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2017
    12.3 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Palestine by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2017" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2017
    12.3 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2018" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2018
    12.3 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from West Bank by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2018" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2018
    12.3 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Palestine by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2018" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2018
    12.3 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2019" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2019
    12.3 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from West Bank by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2019" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2019
    12.3 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Palestine by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2019" PCBS, 2020. Labour Force Survey2019
    12.3 Unemployment rate. Palestinian Labour Force Survey - Annual Report: 2018sex, age2020excel
    12.3 Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Palestine by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2020 PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 20202020
    12.3 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from West Bank by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2020" PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 20202020
    12.3 Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2020 PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 20202020
    12.3 Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Palestine by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2021 PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 20212021
    12.3 "Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from West Bank by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2021" PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 20212021
    12.3 Percentage Distribution of Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above from Gaza Strip by Sex, Age and Labour Force Status, 2021 PCBS, 2022. Labour Force Survey 20212021
  • Price indexes
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    13.1 Consumer price index Annual Consumer Price Index Number and Percent Change by Region for: 1996 - 20171996 - 2017excel
    13.1 Consumer price index Consumer Price Indices Monthly and Yearly 2005 - 2019 COICOP 2005-2019 excel
    13.1 Consumer price index Yearly Consumer Price Index Numbers and Percent Changes by Major Groups of expenditure and Region for: 2005 - 2021 Base Year 2010 =100 COICOP2005-2021excel
    13.1 Consumer price index Prices and Price Indices Annual Bulletin, 2018 COICOP2010-2018pdf wordexcel
    13.1 Consumer price index Prices and Price Indices, Annual Bulletin, 20212021pdf
    13.2 Producers price index Yearly Producer Price Index Numbers and Percentage Changes in Palestine: 1996 - 2017ISIC rev. 4 1996 - 2017excel
    13.2 Producers price index Yearly Producer Price Index Numbers and Percentage Changes in Palestine: 1996 - 2021 Base year (2019=100)ISIC rev. 41996-2021excel
    13.2 Producers price index Producer Price Indices monthly 2011 - 2019 ISIC rev. 42011-2019excel
    13.2 Producers price index Prices and Price Indices Annual Bulletin, 2018 ISIC rev. 42017, 2018 pdf word
    13.2 Producers price index Prices and Price Indices, Annual Bulletin, 20212021pdf
  • Government finance
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    14.1 Actual revenues. General Government Finance Statistics in Palestine* for years 2011-2018Revenue source2011-2018excel
    14.1 Actual revenues. General Government Finance Statistics in Palestine* for years 2011-2020Revenue source2011-2020excel
    14.1 Actual revenues. The Press Release of the General Government Finance 2018, page 3Revenue source2018pdf word
    14.1 Actual revenues. General Government Finance in Palestine1 for the year 2020Revenue source2020excel
    14.1 Actual revenues. The Press Release of the General Government Finance 2020, page 3Revenue source2020pdf
    14.2 Actual expenditures. General Government Finance Statistics in Palestine* for years 2011-2018 Economic classification2011-2018excel
    14.2 Actual expenditures. General Government Finance Statistics in Palestine* for years 2011-2020Revenue source2011-2020excel
    14.2 Actual expenditures. The Press Release of the General Government Finance 2018, page 3 Economic classification2018pdf word
    14.2 Actual expenditures. General Government Finance in Palestine1 for the year 2020Revenue source2020excel
    14.2 Actual expenditures. The Press Release of the General Government Finance 2020, page 3Revenue source2020pdf
  • Money & banking
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    15.1 Money supply. Depository Corporations Survey (Palestine Monetary Authority website)M1, M22001-2019excel
    15.2 Interest rates. Average Interest Rates on Deposits and Loans for Banks Operating in Palestine, xlsRate type2012-2018pdf excel
    15.2 Interest rates. Average Interest Rates on Deposits and Loans for Banks Operating in Palestine, xls Rate type 2018-2020excel
  • International trade
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    16.1 Merchandise exports Main Indicators of foreign trade in Palestine* 1996-2018Region,Country groups, product categories(SITC Sections and Divisions1996-2018excel 1.Only the indicators for the years 2016-2018 are available on html format. 2.Disaggregation by different variables for the years 1996-2018 is not available on html format
    16.1 Merchandise exports Main Indicators of foreign trade in Palestine* 1996-2018Region,Country groups, product categories(SITC Sections and Divisions1996-2018excel 1.Only the indicators for the years 2016-2018 are available on html format. 2.Disaggregation by different variables for the years 1996-2018 is not available on html format
    16.1 Merchandise exports Registered Foreign Trade Statistics Goods and Services, 2018 - Main ResultsProduct categories, Coutries, Months.2018pdf word 1.Disaggregation by different variables is not available on Word format 2.excel files are not modified since these files are included in annual reports which include definitions and date of upload
    16.1 Merchandise exports Registered Foreign Trade Statistics Goods and Services, 2019 - Main ResultsProduct categories, Coutries, Months.2019pdf 1.Disaggregation by different variables is not available on Word format 2.excel files are not modified since these files are included in annual reports which include definitions and date of upload
    16.1 Merchandise exports Registered Foreign Trade Statistics Goods and Services, 2019 - Main ResultsProduct categories, Coutries, Months.2019pdf 1.Disaggregation by different variables is not available on Word format 2.excel files are not modified since these files are included in annual reports which include definitions and date of upload
    16.1 Merchandise exports Detailed Indicators of ForeignTrade in Palestine* 2019-20202019-2020excel
    16.1 Merchandise exports Preliminary Results of Registered Palestinian* Exports, Imports of Goods by Month, Quarter and country for 2021 and 20222021-2022excel
    16.2 Merchandise imports Main Indicators of foreign trade in Palestine* 1996-2018Region,Country groups, product categories(SITC Sections and DIvisions1996-2018excel 1.Only the indicators for the years 2016-2018 are available on html format. 2.Disaggregation by different variables for the years 1996-2018 is not available on html format
    16.2 Merchandise imports Main Indicators of foreign trade in Palestine* 1996-2018Region,Country groups, product categories(SITC Sections and DIvisions1996-2018excel 1.Only the indicators for the years 2016-2018 are available on html format. 2.Disaggregation by different variables for the years 1996-2018 is not available on html format
    16.2 Merchandise imports Registered Foreign Trade Statistics Goods and Services, 2018 - Main ResultsProduct categories, Coutries, Months.2018pdf word 1.Disaggregation by different variables is not available on Word format 2.excel files are not modified since these files are included in annual reports which include definitions and date of upload
    16.2 Merchandise imports Detailed Indicators of ForeignTrade in Palestine* 2019-20202019-2020excel
    16.2 Merchandise imports Preliminary Results of Registered Palestinian* Exports, Imports of Goods by Month, Quarter and country for 2021 and 20222021-2022excel
  • Balance of payments
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    17.1 Current account The Preliminary Results of the Annual Balance of Payments for Palestineaccount components2000-2018excel
    17.1 Current account The Preliminary Results of the Annual Balance of Payments for Palestine* according to the sixth editionaccount components2000-2019excel
    17.1 Current account The Preliminary Results of the Annual Balance of Payments for Palestine* according to the sixth editionaccount components2000-2019excel
    17.1 Current account The Preliminary Results of the Annual Balance of Payments for Palestineaccount components2018pdf word
    17.1 Current account Balance of Payments, Preliminary Results, 2020account components2020pdf
    17.1 Current account Balance of Payments, Preliminary Results, 2020account components2020pdf
    17.1 Current account Balance of Payments, Preliminary Results, 2020account components2020pdf
    17.2 Capital and financial account The Preliminary Results of the Annual Balance of Payments for Palestineaccount components2000-2018excel
    17.2 Capital and financial account The Preliminary Results of the Annual Balance of Payments for Palestine* according to the sixth editionaccount components2000-2019excel
    17.2 Capital and financial account The Preliminary Results of the Annual Balance of Payments for Palestine* according to the sixth editionaccount components2000-2019excel
    17.2 Capital and financial account The Preliminary Results of the Annual Balance of Payments for Palestineaccount components2018pdf word
    17.2 Capital and financial account Balance of Payments, Preliminary Results, 2020account components2020pdf
    17.2 Capital and financial account Balance of Payments, Preliminary Results, 2020account components2020pdf
    17.2 Capital and financial account Balance of Payments, Preliminary Results, 2020account components2020pdf
  • Agriculture & Land Use
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    18.1 Data on land use or land cover. Land Use Statistics in Palestinian Territory - 20112011pdf excel Tables (1,2,6,7,8) in PDF and excel
    18.1 Data on land use or land cover. Land Use Statistics in Palestinian Territory - 20172017pdf excel Tables (4,5) in PDF and excel
    18.1 Data on land use or land cover. Land Use Statistics in Palestinian Territory - 20222021pdf excel Tables 2,4,5,6, and 7 in PDF file
    18.1 Data on land use or land cover. Land Use Statistics in Palestinian Territory - 20222021pdf excel Tables 2,4,5,6, and 7 in PDF file
    18.1 Data on land use or land cover. Land Use Statistics in Palestinian Territory - 20222021pdf excel Tables 2,4,5,6, and 7 in PDF file
    18.1 Data on land use or land cover. Land Use Statistics in Palestinian Territory - 20222021pdf excel Tables 2,4,5,6, and 7 in PDF file
    18.1 Data on land use or land cover. Land Use Statistics in Palestinian Territory - 20222021pdf excel Tables 2,4,5,6, and 7 in PDF file
    18.2 Data on protected lands. Land Use Statistics in Palestinian Territory - 20112011pdf excel Table 7 in PDF and excel
    18.2 Data on protected lands. Land Use Statistics in Palestinian Territory - 20172017pdf excel Table 9
    18.2 Data on protected lands. Land Use Statistics in Palestinian Territory - 20222021pdf excel Table 6 in PDF , (Natural Reserves represent protected lands)
    18.3 Commondity production
  • Resource use
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    19.1 Data on fishery harvests. Quantity of Caught Fish in Gaza Strip by Governorate and Main Types 2019, Basic Changes for the Fishery in Palestine, 2006-2019optional2006-2019excel
    19.1 Data on fishery harvests. Quantity of Aquaculture of Fish in Palestine by Type and Governorate, 2019optional2019excel
    19.2 Data on timber harvests or deforestation. Amount of Timber Production from Forests in Palestine by Governorate, 2019 - 2021Optional2019-2021pdf excel Table 9 in PDF
    19.3 Data on mining or extractive activities Area of Land in Palestine by Governorate and Type of Land Cover, 2020/2021Type of mining activity2021pdf excel Table 5 in PDF , mining or extractive in the table
    19.4 Water consumption Water Statistics in the Palestinian Territory sector2010-2020pdf Table 9 and Table 10
  • Energy
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    20.1 Energy consumption Energy Balance in the Palestinian Territory energy commodity; sector2011-2020excel
    20.2 Energy supply Energy Balance in Physical Unitsenergy commodity2009-2020excel
  • Pollution
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    21.1 Emissions of air or water pollutants Emissions to Air, 2020pollutant type2006excel
    21.1 Emissions of air or water pollutants Emissions to Air, 2020pollutant type2007excel
    21.1 Emissions of air or water pollutants Emissions to Air, 2020pollutant type2008excel
    21.1 Emissions of air or water pollutants Emissions to Air, 2020pollutant type2009excel
    21.1 Emissions of air or water pollutants Emissions to Air, 2020pollutant type2010excel
    21.1 Emissions of air or water pollutants Emissions to Air, 2020pollutant type2011excel
    21.1 Emissions of air or water pollutants Emissions to Air, 2020pollutant type2012excel
    21.1 Emissions of air or water pollutants Emissions to Air, 2020pollutant type2013excel
    21.1 Emissions of air or water pollutants Emissions to Air, 2020pollutant type2014excel
    21.1 Emissions of air or water pollutants Emissions to Air, 2020pollutant type2015excel
    21.1 Emissions of air or water pollutants Emissions to Air, 2020pollutant type2016excel
    21.1 Emissions of air or water pollutants Emissions to Air, 2020pollutant type2017excel
    21.1 Emissions of air or water pollutants Emissions to Air, 2020pollutant type2018excel
    21.1 Emissions of air or water pollutants Emissions to Air, 2020pollutant type2019excel
    21.1 Emissions of air or water pollutants Emissions to Air, 2020pollutant type2020excel
    21.2 Greenhouse gas emissions Emissions to Air, 2020gas type2006excel Emissions_2006_01
    21.2 Greenhouse gas emissions Emissions to Air, 2020gas type2007excel Emissions_2007_01
    21.2 Greenhouse gas emissions Emissions to Air, 2020gas type2008excel Emissions_2008_01
    21.2 Greenhouse gas emissions Emissions to Air, 2020gas type2009excel Emissions_2009_01
    21.2 Greenhouse gas emissions Emissions to Air, 2020gas type2010excel Emissions_2010_01
    21.2 Greenhouse gas emissions Emissions to Air, 2020gas type2011excel Emissions_2011_01
    21.2 Greenhouse gas emissions Emissions to Air, 2020gas type2012excel Emissions_2012_01
    21.2 Greenhouse gas emissions Emissions to Air, 2020gas type2013excel Emissions_2013_01
    21.2 Greenhouse gas emissions Emissions to Air, 2020gas type2014excel Emissions_2014_01
    21.2 Greenhouse gas emissions Emissions to Air, 2020gas type2015excel Emissions_2015_01
    21.2 Greenhouse gas emissions Emissions to Air, 2020gas type2016excel Emissions_2016_01
    21.2 Greenhouse gas emissions Emissions to Air, 2020gas type2017excel Emissions_2017_01
    21.2 Greenhouse gas emissions Emissions to Air, 2020gas type2018excel Emissions_2018_01
    21.2 Greenhouse gas emissions Emissions to Air, 2020gas type2019excel Emissions_2019_01
    21.2 Greenhouse gas emissions Emissions to Air, 2020gas type2020excel Emissions_2020_01
  • Built environment
    IndicatorsPCBS SourceDisaggregationYearspdfWordExcelhtmlNotes
    22.1 Proportion of households with access to water. Household Environmental Survey 2008 Main FindingsWater supply type2008pdf Table 2 and Table 3, P 48
    22.1 Proportion of households with access to water. Household Environmental Survey 2009 Main FindingsWater supply type2009pdf Table 2, P 48
    22.1 Proportion of households with access to water. Census Final Results Summary, 2010, 2014, 2017Water supply type2010 , 2014, 2017excel
    22.1 Proportion of households with access to water. Household Environmental Survey 2011 Main FindingsWater supply type2011pdf excel Table 2, P 44
    22.1 Proportion of households with access to water. Household Environmental Survey, 2013 - Main FindingsWater supply type2013pdf excel Tables (2-7) from page 40 in PDF file, amd Tables (2-7) in Excel
    22.1 Proportion of households with access to water. Household Environmental Survey, 2015 - Main FindingsWater supply type2015pdf excel Tables (2-7) from page 40 in PDF file, amd Tables (2-7) in Excel
    22.1 Proportion of households with access to water. Census Final Results Summary, 2017 - Updated VersionWater supply type2017pdf wordexcel Table 18, P 99
    22.1 Proportion of households with access to water. Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019-2020, Survey Findings ReportOptional2019pdf wordexcel Table WS.1.1, Page 245
    22.2 Proportion of households with access to sanitation. Household Environmental Survey 2008 Main FindingsSanitation facility type2008pdf word Table 16 P. 53 and Table 17 P. 54
    22.2 Proportion of households with access to sanitation. Household Environmental Survey 2009 Main FindingsSanitation facility type2009pdf word Table 15, P 52
    22.2 Proportion of households with access to sanitation. Household Environmental Survey 2011 Main FindingsSanitation facility type2011pdf wordexcel Table 5, P 47 and Table 6 P. 48
    22.2 Proportion of households with access to sanitation. Household Environmental Survey, 2013 - Main FindingsSanitation facility type2013pdf wordexcel Table 10 and Table11, P. 46
    22.2 Proportion of households with access to sanitation. Household Environmental Survey, 2015 - Main FindingsSanitation facility type2015pdf wordexcel Table 8 and Table 9, P. 46
    22.2 Proportion of households with access to sanitation. Census Final Results Summary, 2017 - Updated VersionWater supply type2017pdf wordexcel Table 26, P 112
    22.2 Proportion of households with access to sanitation. Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019-2020, Survey Findings ReportOptional2019pdf wordexcel Table WS.3.1, Page 260
    22.3 Number of Room Data Base of Labour Force Survey. October, December 2019None2019excel Table 1
    22.3 Number of bedRoom Data Base of Labour Force Survey. October, December 2019None2019excel Table 2
    22.4 Access to electricity Surveys and Censuses conducted by PCBSaccess type2007-2020excel