PCBS: The Price Indices for Construction Cost, Road Cost, Water Networks Cost, Sewage Networks Cost in the West Bank, during 2024 & December, 2024
Annual StatisticsNumber of Beehives in Palestine by Type and Governorate, As in 01/10/2013Number of Domestic Poultry in Palestine by Type and Governorate, As in 01/10/2013 Number of Raised Poultry Per Year, Area of Worked Barns and Average of Cycles Per Year in Palestine by Type and Governorate, 2012/2013Number of Female Livestock in Palestine by Type of Animal and Milk Status and Governorate, As in 01/10/2013 Number of Died Animals in Palestine by Type of Animal and Cause of Died, 2012/2013Numbers of Disposed Camels in Palestine During the Agricultural Year by Source and Region, 2012/2013 Numbers of Disposed Goats in Palestine During the Agricultural Year by Source and Governorate, 2012/2013Numbers of Disposed Cattles in Palestine During the Agricultural Year by Source and Governorate, 2012/2013Numbers of Acquired Goats in Palestine During the Agricultural Year by Source and Governorate, 2012/2013Numbers of Acquired Sheep in Palestine During the Agricultural Year by Source and Governorate, 2012/2013 Numbers of Acquired Cattles in Palestine During the Agricultural Year by Source and Governorate, 2012/2013 Number of Camels in Palestine by Sex and Region, As in 01/10/2013Number of Sheep in Palestine by Sex and Governorate, As in 01/10/2013 Number of Cattles in Palestine by Sex and Governorate, As in 01/10/2013Numbers of Disposed Sheep in Palestine During the Agricultural Year by Source and Governorate, 2012/2013 Numbers of Acquired Camels in Palestine During the Agricultural Year by Source and Region, 2012/2013Number of Goats in Palestine by Sex and Governorate, As in 01/10/2013 Number of Animal and Mixed Holdings in Palestine by Type of Livestock and Governorate, 2012/2013 Number of Animal and Mixed Holdings in Palestine by Type of Holding and Governorate, 2012/2013Percentage Distribution of Holders of Animal and Mixed Holdings in Palestine by Age Group of Holder and Governorate, 2012/2013Percentage Distribution of Agricultural Holdings in Palestine by Main Occupation of Holder and Governorate, 2010/2011Percentage Distribution of Agricultural Holdings in Palestine by Sex of Holder and Governorate, 2010/2011Percentage Distribution of Agricultural Holdings in Palestine by Size of Holder Household and Governorate, 2010/2011Percentage Distribution of Agricultural Holdings in Palestine by Area Group of Holding and Governorate, 2010/2011Number of Agricultural Holdings in Palestine by Type of Holding and Governorate, 2010/2011Percentage Distribution of Agricultural Holdings in Palestine by Type of Holding and Governorate, 2010/2011Percentage Distribution of Agricultural Holdings in the Palestinian Territory by Main Occupation of Holder and Governorate, 2010/2011Percentage Distribution of Agricultural Holdings in the Palestinian Territory by Sex of Holder and Governorate, 2010/2011Percentage Distribution of Agricultural Holdings in the Palestinian Territory by Size of Holder Household and Governorate, 2010/2011Percentage Distribution of Agricultural Holdings in the Palestinian Territory by Area Group of Holding and Governorate, 2010/2011Number of Agricultural Holdings in the Palestinian Territory by Type of Holding and Governorate, 2010/2011Percentage Distribution of Agricultural Holdings in the Palestinian Territory by Type of Holding and Governorate, 2010/2011
Main IndicatorsSelected Agricultural Indicators about Holders, Animal and Mixed Holdings in Palestine, 2013Selected Agricultural Indicators about Number of Livestock in Animal and Mixed Holdings in Palestine, As in 01/10/2013Selected Agricultural Indicators about Agricultural Holdings, 2010/2011Selected Agricultural Indicators about Agricultural Holdings, 2010/2011