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PCBS | Civil Court Matters in Gaza Strip by Type of Court, Type of Matter and Stage of Proceeding, 2020

Civil Court Matters in Gaza Strip by Type of Court, Type of Matter and Stage of Proceeding, 2020
Publish Date:21-09-2021
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Type of Court and Type of MatterCarried fromLast YearSubmitted*TotalDecided
Supreme Court Matters
Constitutional appeals6391
Re-examination requests0119811981198
Other Matters11384942
Renewal/ Tax4040
Judiciary requests91107
strife case3031
Total Supreme Court Matters120128714071332
Cassation Court Matters
Cassation/ Civil15857452330599
Miscellaneous requests26482710911066
Total Cassation Court Matters2037168037171741
Appeal Court Matters
Renewal/ Civil7708621632595
Renewal/ Criminal55414542008998
Resume execution40296313651115
Other Matters126587713594
Total of Appeal Court Matters1852386657183302
Administrative Court
Summons to court14615129780
Other Matters40189229175
Total cases of the Administrative Court186340526255
Court of First Instance
First Instance Court/ Civil3628149451221251
Appeal/ Civil2585162342081890
Appeal/ Criminal832232131532337
Penalty cases177842203199872429
Other Matters3467344869155585
Total of First Instance Court Matters28516135544207015873
Magistrates Court Matters
Magistrates/ Misdemeanour19628731106934329
Traffic Offenses0146161461614616
Other Matters1607452261295408
Muncipal Contraventios1119126091372812796
Total Magistrates Court Matters11725499786170346757
Implementation departments issues and requests91477127951219428140997
Total Juvenile Court Matters21412101424836
Grand Total423996902511142467519

Note: Represents the Total of Court Matters Submitted during 2020 and Carried from 2019
First Instance Court Matters: They refer to all legal court matters, distribution of fixed and movable financial assets, penal code cases, …etc. Also, court matters handled by such a court involve appealed cases, in the cases stipulated by the law of magistrate courts. The magistrate court cases are appealed against in this court if the value of the fine exceeds five Jordanian Dinars. Higher fines are appealed against in the court of appeal. Nevertheless, court matters handled by courts of first instance may include legal cases in which the disputed amount does not exceed ten Jordanian Dinars.
Appeal Court Matters: They refer to all penal and legal matters (cases) appealed against to this court. The jury of this court involves a minimum of three judges. This type of court is entitled to examine court matters handled by courts of first instance and magistrate courts. In handling the various court matters, the jurisdiction of the court of appeals resembles the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.
Magistrate’s Court Matters: Court matters pertinent to rights, trade, and fixed / movable debts, provided the value of the debt does not exceed 250 Jordanian Dinars. Such court matters normally include damage cases, free passage and entry cases, rights to drinking water, restoration of an asset or real estate, rent evacuation, seizure of fixed and movable assets, distribution of fixed and movable financial assets, …etc. In addition, court matters handled by such a court involve penal code cases.
Supreme Court: The most supreme court in the country, which is exceptionally entitled to examine all criminal and penal court matters, among those handled earlier by first instance courts and criminal courts.
Source: High Judicial Council