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PCBS | Sewage Networks Cost Indices by Major and Sub Groups in the West Bank for the Years 2023 and 2022

Sewage Networks Cost Indices by Major and Sub Groups in the West Bank for the Years 2023 and 2022
(Base Month January 2010=100)
Publish Date:30-01-2024
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Major and Sup GroupsAvg. 2022Avg. 2023% Change
Deface Materials101.52104.002.44
Asphalt bitumen mixture and its products89.1293.024.38
Plastic and cements pipes112.11114.161.83
Administrative expenses126.92126.83-0.07
Wages and other costs161.71170.005.12
General index113.93116.141.94

*Data excluded those parts of Jerusalem which were annexed by Israeli Occupation in 1967.