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PCBS | Selected Indicators in Transport - Outside Establishments Sector in Palestine by Region and Economic Activity, 2019

Selected Indicators in Transport - Outside Establishments Sector in Palestine by Region and Economic Activity, 2019

Publish Date:09-08-2020
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Region and Economic ActivityAnnual Compensation per wage Employees in (USD)Output per Employed person in (USD)Output per wage Employee in (USD)Value Added per Employed person in (USD)Value Added per wage Employee in (USD)Value Added to Output %Compensation of Employees to Value Added %Consumption of fixed capital to Output %
Other non-scheduled passenger transport7786.323196.850386.312461.127067.153.728.810.4
Freight transport by road10450.021895.7667820.014260.7434950.065.12.410.6
West Bank9140.226795.757764.414779.431860.455.228.710.0
Other non-scheduled passenger transport9137.026941.056316.214781.130897.854.929.610.0
Freight transport by road10450.022495.5652370.014727.9427110.065.52.410.4
Gaza Strip*2688.911284.728149.45084.212682.445.121.213.5
Other non-scheduled passenger transport2688.911290.128007.45083.412610.345.021.313.4
Freight transport by road_10300.0_5226.7_50.70.022.8

( _ ) There is no wage employees in Freight transport in Gaza Strip.