Number of Settlers in the Israeli Settlements in the West Bank by Governorate and Classification, 2021

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Total Classification Governorate
Formal Settlements Annexed to Israel Formal Settlements Affiliated the Yesha Council
719,452 258,572 460,880 West Bank
3,722 - 3,722 Jenin
2,629 - 2,629 Tubas
4,632 - 4,632 Tulkarm
22,082 - 22,082 Nablus
40,897 952 39,945 Qalqiliya
50,067 - 50,067 Salfit
143,311 16,433 126,878 Ramallah & Al-Bireh
7,845 - 7,845 Jericho & Al-Aghwar
326,523 239,951 86,572 Jerusalem
239,951 239,951 - Area J1
86,572 - 86,572 Area J2
95,279 - 95,279 Bethlehem
22,465 1,236 21,229 Hebron

Sources: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, Israeli Settlements and Land Grab Database 2022. Ramallah- Palestine.
Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract of Israel. Jerusalem, Various Years, (2003 - 2021).
The Jerusalem Institute for Israeli Studies 2022, Statistical Yearbook of Jerusalem 2021 (No 36). Jerusalem.