Number of Guests in Hotels in the West Bank by Month and Nationality, 2021

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Month Nationality  
No. of Hotels Palestine Arab Countries Israel Asia U.S.A &
Other American Countries European
Other European Countries Africa Australia & New Zeland Total
January          94      3,224 -   1,472            -               -   -   -   -             -   -   4,696
February          93      2,205 4 1,468


            -   -   1 -             -   -   3,680
March          82      1,505 5 862          30             -   -   32 -             -   -   2,434
April          48      3,199 -   17,896            -               -   1 2 60           -   -   21,158
May 45      1,366 -   6,902            -               -   1 2 -             -   -   8,271
June 42      1,725 6 11,649            -  


-   6                -             -   -   13,393
July 79      5,218 7 9,136            -   45 -   8 78           -   -   14,492
August 72      5,129 54 10,947            -   78 -   275 72           -   -   16,555
September 67      6,910 14 19,182        301 14 -   218 -             -   -   26,639
October 70      7,901 86 17,231          41 47 -   172 -             -   -   25,478
November 73      8,248 172 10,508          88         174 96 336 20           -   -   19,642
December 89    11,205 69 12,000        246


76 511 3           -   -   24,194
Total   57,835 417  119,253        708         449 174 1,563 233           -   -    180,632

(-): No Observations\Cases