Distribution of Students Enrolled in Palestinian Higher Education Institutions by Specialization and Sex, 2019/2020

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Specialization Both Sexes Males


Education 32,315 6,845 25,470
Arts & Humanities 22,780 5,760 17,020
Social Science & Journalism 11,636 3,714 7,922
Business, Administration & Law 61,598 28,416 33,182
Natural Sciences, Mathematics & Statistics 7,675 2,053 5,622
Information & Communication Technologies 13,941 7,821 6,120
Engineering, Manufacturing & Construction 20,859 13,272 7,587
Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries & Veterinary 1,338 820 518
Health & Welfare 41,233 12,788 28,445
Services 1,914 1,321 593
Other specializations 2,356 1,070 1,286
Total 217,645 83,880 133,765

Source: Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, 2021. Higher Education Statistical Yearbook for Scholastic Year 2019/2020. Ramallah-Palestine.