Energy Balance of Palestine in Physical Units, 2021

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Release Date 01/02/2023

Flows Electricity (MWh) Diesel (1000 Liters)
Gasoline (1000 Liters)
Kerosene (1000 Liters)
     Fuel Oil  (1000 Liters)    LPG (Ton) Oils and Lubricants  (Ton) Bitumen  (Ton) Olive Cake (Ton) Wood and Charcoal


Solar Energy (MWh)
1.1 Primary production 224,000                   -                -                  -                    -                      -                      -                        - 27,020 235,141           1,736,570
1.2 Imports 6,678,171 822,069 350,639 1,659 3,314 205,521 1,233 26,271                     - 4,910                          -  
1.3 Exports                    -                   -                -                  -                    -                      - -13  -                      - -815                          -  
1.4 Stock change                    -                   -                -                  -                    -                      -                      -                        -                     - -                          -  
1.Total energy supply 6,902,171 822,069 350,639 1,659 3,314 205,521 1,220 26,271 27,020 239,236           1,736,570
2. Statistical differences                    -                   -                -                  -                    -                      -                      -                        -                     -                            -  
3.Transformation 692,522 -166,028 -1500                  -                    -                      -                      -                        -                     -                            -  
3.1 Electricity plants 692,522 -166,028 -1,500                  -                    -                      -                      -                        -                     -                            -  
4. Losses 911,363 1,398 2,805                 5                   1                      -                      -                        -                     -                868,285
5. Final consumption 6,683,330 654,643 346,334 1,654 3,313 205,521 1,220 26271 27,020 239,236              868,285
5.1. Final energy consumption 6,683,330 654,643 346,334 1,654 3,313 205,521                      -                        - 27,020 239,236              868,285
5.1.1 By industry 615,607 10,879 807 170 1,657 10,392                      -                        - 8,840 5,922                   1,530
5.1.2 By transport               938 626,845 338,914                  - 13,423                      -                        -                     -                            - Road               938 626,845 338,914                  -                    - 13,423                      -                        -                     -                            -  
5.1.3 By household and other sectors 6,066,785 16,919 6,613 1,484 1,656 181,706                      -                        - 18,180 233,314              866,755 Households 4,494,239 1,290                - 1,275                    - 165,573                      - 18,180 228,229              865,225 Agriculture 34,812 7,126 4,272 33                    - 2,557                      -                        -                     - Commerce & public services 153,7734 8,503 2,341 176 1,656 13,576                      -                        -                     - 5,085                   1,530
5.2 Non energy use                    -                   -                -                  -                    -                      - 1,220 26,271                     -                            -  

(-): Not available  
1. In all accounts related to charcoal and wood, a unified calorific value was used for each of the charcoal and wood based on the weight of each type in the balance, and the  calorific value for both was considered to be 15.79 gigajoules/ton
2. The efficiency of the solar water heater was considered to be 45% and the consumed energy is half of the produces quantity.  
3. The technical losses in electricity in Palestine are considered to be 12% based on the Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority.  
Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority, 2022.  Ramallah -Palestine.    
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 2022. Database of Foreign Trade Data 2021.  Ramallah - Palestine.   
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 2022. Economic Series Surveys 2021.  Ramallah - Palestine.