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Greenhouse Gas Inventory by Sector and Emittent in Palestine* (Thousand ton of CO2 eq.), 2021
Sector/ Emittant GHG inventory (Thousand ton of CO2 eq) Share of sectors in GHG inventory, %
Energy 3,867.42 73.5
Agriculture 539.95 10.3
Waste 852.16 16.2
Total 5,259.53 100
CO2 3,751.86 71.3
CH4** 909.41 17.3
N2O*** 598.26 11.4
Total 5,259.53 100

*Data exclude those parts of Jerusalem  which were annexed by Israel in 1967.
**:   1 ton of CH4 equivallent to 21 ton of CO2
***: 1 ton of N2O equivallent to 310 ton of CO2)