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PCBS | PCBS& The Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology, about On the International Day for Information Society 17th of May.

The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) and the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology issue a joint press release on the International Day for  Information Society 17th of May.


Entrepreneurship in Information Technology



World Telecommunication and Information Society Day will focus on the theme: “ICT entrepreneurship for social impact”.  ICT entrepreneurs have a particularly relevant role in ensuring economic growth in a sustainable and inclusive manner. They are involved in the development of innovative ICT-enabled solutions with a unique potential to make a long-lasting impact in global, regional and national economies and as an important source of new jobs, especially for youth, in the current knowledge economy.


About a third of youth males tried to create their own projects

The results of a youth survey for the year 2015 indicated that 20.9% of youth people          (15-29 years) have tried to set up special projects:14.9% in the West Bank compared with 30.6% in Gaza Strip, with clear differences between the sexes as the percentage of males was 29.6% versus 11.9 % for females.


About a third of the economic establishments operating in the ICT sector doing research and development

Data indicated that accounted for 5.5% of the economic establishments undertake studies or research and developmental work on the goods or services in the year 2012, while this percentage reached 25.0% among firms employing 10 or more employees, and more than 30.0% in the ICT sector, while this percentage did not exceed 2.0% in the manufacturing sector, while the  percentage for service sector that doing research and development reaching 11.6%.


ICT sector in economics                                                                   

Economic Surveys Series 2014 data indicate that the ICT establishments  have accounted for 0.5% of the total economic establishments in the private sector excluding the financial sector, as this sector employs 1.8% of the total employees, and the production of this sector accounted for 6.3% of the total production.  And the value added of the ICT sector amounted to half a billion dollars by 7.6% of the total value added in the private sector for 2014.  As for the participation of the ICT sector to GDP at constant prices has formed 5.9% in 2014 and 2015.


Electronic Commerce

The percentage of those who have bought or sold over the Internet once a year at least was 4.5% of the Internet users and the number is estimated at about 80,000 persons, the percentage of those who have work banking via the Internet by 2.5% in 2014.  According to the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, data pointed that the increase in international receipt mail registered has risen by nearly 57.0% in 2015 compared with 2014.  This increase in the mail might come back for the purposes of electronic commerce.


About half of all Palestinian households have Internet service at home

Data indicate that 48.3% of households in Palestine have an Internet connection, by 51.4% in the West Bank and 42.2% in Gaza Strip in 2014, compared with 30.4% of households in Palestine in 2011. As for the use of the Internet individuals (10 years and over) reached 53.7%, by 54.5% in the West Bank, compared to 52.2% in Gaza Strip. While the percentage of children (5-17 years) who use computers reached 63.4%, by 70.0% in the West Bank compared with 51.9% in Gaza Strip.


About million and a quarter of an individual using social media an average of two hours a day

The percentage of those who use social media networks exceeded 75.0% of the total Internet users aged 10 years and over in the year 2014.  The estimated rate of hours using social networks two hours per day, while users for ten hours or more a day form about 1.0% of the total users of social networks, which is estimated at about 12 thousand persons for the year 2014.
