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Monthly Consumer Price Index Numbers by Major Groups for months of January - December 2004 and Percent Changes from Average of 2003 (Base Year 1996=100)

Major Groups of Expenditure Palestinian Territory
Ave. 2003 Jan. 2004 Feb.2004 Mar.2004 Apr.2004 May.2004 June.2004 July.2004 Aug.2004 Sep.2004 Oct.2004 Nov.2004 Dec.2004 Average % Change
Food 129.51 134.02 134.25 132.63 134.44 131.87 130.22 130.61 129.40 130.36 130.32 132.47 137.06 132.30 2.16
Beverages and tobacco 152.04 153.27 153.48 153.51 153.96 153.95 154.15 154.23 154.43 153.97 154.04 154.01 155.98 154.08 1.34
Textiles, clothing and footwear 128.57 126.66 126.57 127.79 126.55 126.50 126.93 127.92 129.02 128.12 127.59 127.20 127.79 127.39 -0.92
Housing 147.27 149.68 151.70 149.68 150.25 151.14 151.83 150.71 151.95 153.00 153.66 155.16 155.17 151.99 3.20
Furniture, household goods & services 122.51 124.01 124.25 124.48 124.17 124.24 124.66 125.25 125.84 126.38 126.71 127.47 127.58 125.42 2.38
Transport and communications 173.55 180.51 181.81 181.61 182.24 183.66 185.50 184.32 186.51 186.20 187.53 190.07 188.08 184.84 6.50
Education 129.44 133.57 133.56 133.85 133.54 133.62 133.71 133.74 133.94 134.55 134.81 134.78 134.81 134.04 3.55
Medical care 138.59 141.07 141.46 142.26 142.79 143.85 145.21 145.79 145.97 147.37 146.74 147.89 148.39 144.90 4.55
Recreational, cultural goods & services 95.61 96.90 96.70 96.01 96.91 96.86 95.53 94.97 94.18 93.66 94.11 93.62 93.38 95.24 -0.39
Miscellaneous goods and services 140.60 145.10 145.58 146.81 146.75 146.67 148.59 149.04 149.94 149.93 149.95 151.04 154.51 148.66 5.73
All items of consumer price index 137.73 141.24 141.70 141.12 141.89 141.14 141.00 141.12 141.21 141.64 141.80 143.23 145.26 141.86 3.00

Major Groups of Expenditure Jerusalem
Ave. 2003 Jan. 2004 Feb.2004 Mar.2004 Apr.2004 May.2004 June.2004 July.2004 Aug.2004 Sep.2004 Oct.2004 Nov.2004 Dec.2004 Average % Change
Food 133.68 139.25 137.72 137.68 139.87 138.68 136.93 140.01 136.29 138.67 139.32 142.14 146.96 139.46 4.32
Beverages and Tobacco 157.99 157.95 157.87 157.87 158.46 158.46 158.46 158.46 158.46 157.67 157.77 157.52 158.67 158.13 0.09
Textiles, clothing and footwear 136.08 133.29 133.65 135.49 132.45 132.30 132.55 134.41 135.56 138.95 139.01 137.97 138.68 135.36 -0.53
Housing 122.15 124.17 126.47 125.69 127.00 127.34 126.54 123.87 124.32 124.63 125.75 127.23 126.31 125.78 2.97
Furniture, household goods & services 138.68 143.49 143.21 143.92 144.12 144.84 144.21 144.47 144.34 146.40 146.90 148.67 149.51 145.34 4.80
Transport and communications 148.28 159.02 158.25 158.23 159.37 160.99 162.71 161.40 164.24 163.47 164.57 166.80 165.10 162.01 9.27
Education 128.01 132.67 133.01 133.24 133.20 133.20 133.20 133.20 133.20 133.20 133.20 133.20 133.20 133.14 4.01
Medical care 133.84 135.15 135.15 139.53 140.47 141.27 143.65 144.20 144.29 147.19 146.54 147.78 149.01 142.85 6.74
Recreational, cultural goods & services 99.46 104.30 104.22 104.72 105.87 105.90 104.04 103.79 102.39 102.51 101.52 102.73 102.73 103.73 4.29
Miscellaneous goods and services 135.78 136.64 137.11 138.54 138.68 138.80 140.89 140.89 141.08 142.56 143.67 144.41 148.87 141.01 3.86
All items of consumer price index 136.14 140.57 140.11 140.54 141.50 141.40 141.10 142.06 141.19 142.61 143.16 144.82 146.80 142.15 4.42

Major Groups of Expenditure Gaza Strip
Ave. 2003 Jan. 2004 Feb.2004 Mar.2004 Apr.2004 May.2004 June.2004 July.2004 Aug.2004 Sep.2004 Oct.2004 Nov.2004 Dec.2004 Average % Change
Food 122.76 129.94 131.07 128.96 128.50 129.12 129.63 125.66 125.01 127.81 127.78 128.89 130.82 128.60 4.75
Beverages and Tobacco 151.08 153.16 153.20 153.41 153.41 153.31 153.38 153.49 153.72 152.85 152.84 153.00 153.57 153.28 1.45
Textiles, clothing and footwear 126.92 126.95 125.43 125.23 124.44 124.30 125.06 124.02 125.08 122.18 122.43 121.89 122.54 124.13 -2.19
Housing 137.52 137.53 138.59 138.73 139.25 139.51 141.50 141.68 142.93 144.16 144.11 144.94 145.85 141.57 2.94
Furniture, household goods & services 110.90 109.92 109.61 111.20 110.49 110.31 110.92 110.42 110.58 111.36 110.72 110.74 109.89 110.51 -0.35
Transport and communications 132.06 136.19 137.02 137.09 137.78 139.14 140.41 139.31 140.77 140.73 141.49 143.52 141.76 139.60 5.71
Education 131.33 136.31 135.75 136.49 135.97 136.10 136.45 136.72 137.19 137.86 138.15 138.15 138.35 136.96 4.28
Medical care 142.76 146.75 147.59 148.70 148.62 148.69 148.59 148.65 148.65 147.24 147.25 148.01 148.33 148.09 3.73
Recreational, cultural goods & services 98.61 96.83 96.74 96.84 95.56 95.50 95.54 95.31 95.00 95.20 95.41 94.50 93.74 95.51 -3.13
Miscellaneous goods and services 136.01 140.33 140.40 141.02 140.59 140.15 138.39 138.65 139.80 137.98 137.43 138.18 137.79 139.23 2.37
All items of consumer price index 127.70 131.84 132.35 131.69 131.42 131.81 132.37 130.45 130.63 131.53 131.55 132.34 133.06 131.75 3.18

Major Groups of Expenditure R. West Bank
Ave. 2003 Jan. 2004 Feb.2004 Mar.2004 Apr.2004 May.2004 June.2004 July.2004 Aug.2004 Sep.2004 Oct.2004 Nov.2004 Dec.2004 Average % Change
Food 129.69 131.91 134.66 132.50 137.32 131.72 128.75 127.97 130.39 129.14 129.09 130.28 136.50 131.68 1.54
Beverages and Tobacco 149.46 150.85 150.90 150.82 151.94 152.14 152.51 152.58 153.01 153.05 152.98 153.35 156.94 152.59 2.09
Textiles, clothing and footwear 122.67 121.05 122.56 127.11 127.10 127.28 126.14 128.23 128.70 125.95 124.37 125.16 125.67 125.78 2.53
Housing 155.60 157.62 158.32 156.05 154.63 156.48 157.45 156.99 159.27 161.21 161.33 162.56 163.00 158.74 2.02
Furniture, household goods & services 117.23 117.08 118.28 117.72 116.15 117.01 118.10 119.92 121.97 120.69 121.49 121.76 121.96 119.34 1.80
Transport and communications 191.32 196.59 199.60 199.14 199.19 200.45 202.29 201.30 203.45 203.30 205.14 208.25 205.93 202.05 5.61
Education 141.64 145.33 145.40 145.39 145.13 145.13 145.06 145.21 145.48 145.17 145.87 145.68 145.65 145.38 2.64
Medical care 151.43 156.34 156.32 157.07 157.56 159.88 159.59 160.67 161.18 161.16 160.79 161.74 162.09 159.53 5.35
Recreational, cultural goods & services 92.18 91.70 91.20 89.36 91.18 91.43 89.41 88.17 87.59 85.54 86.16 85.15 85.07 88.50 -4.00
Miscellaneous goods and services 144.15 150.16 150.01 151.69 151.65 151.55 152.13 152.76 153.54 154.12 153.88 155.15 156.43 152.76 5.97
All items of consumer price index 140.88 143.26 145.02 144.45 146.30 144.54 143.63 143.58 145.28 144.51 144.64 145.82 148.46 144.96 2.89

*R. West Bank: means Remaining West Bank, which includes all of the West bank except for those parts of Jerusalem which were annexed after 1967 occupation by Israel.