Number of Guests in Hotels by Nationality and Month, 2015

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Month No. of
  Nationality Total
Palestine Arab Countries Israel Asia U.S.A & Canada Other American Countries European Union Other European Count Africa Australia & New Zeland
January 112 3,704 259 4,530 2,430 2,899 514 7,311 4,894 703 127 27,371
February 111 2,782 266 2,546 4,049 3,091 732 14,422 4,687 506 452 33,533
March 111 3,921 460 3,683 4,965 3,337 1,070 13,647 5,282 1,946 474 38,785
April 110 5,612 4,812 9,609 9,527 3,588 1,885 20,092 6,935 1,362 431 63,853
May 111 5,403 457 6,418 9,523 4,185 1,168 13,098 7,585 1,155 171 49,163
June 111 4,534 487 4,147 3,717 4,177 1,092 7,770 3,389 401 122 29,836
July 111 5,757 619 12,856 3,016 2,546 674 8,162 2,864 993 110 37,597
August 109 6,783 781 13,729 3,179 1,938 388 9,200 4,037 751 60 40,846
September 107 4,157 780 9,495 5,229 2,954 1,071 13,302 6,251 1,651 198 45,088
October 110 2,998 216 2,490 9,143 4,842 1,666 18,604 8,885 1,941 198 50,983
November 111 3,513 251 1,630 7,197 4,500 1,344 10,915 4,464 3,985 178 37,977
December 112 3,242 200 3,982 6,677 3,111 1,172 6,223 1,718 2,820 217 29,362
Total 52,406 9,588 75,115 68,652 41,168 12,776 142,746 60,991 18,214 2,738 484,394