Reported Narcotic Drugs Offenses in the West Bank by Type of Criminal Offense,  and Governorate 2014

Type of DrugOffense and Region  Jenin  Tubas  Tulkarm   Nablus   Qalqiliya   Safit 

 Ramallah & Al- Bireh 

 Jericho   Jerusalem   Bethlehem   Hebron  Total
Planting 3 0 3 0 4 0 13 0 3 2 0 28
Trading and Circulating 10 0 85 38 34 4 14 3 77 2 17 284
Using 52 20 0 102 136 27 147 49 100 16 83 732
Total of West Bank 65 20 88 140 174 31 174 52 180 20 100 1044