Average Expenditure by Traveled Households on Outbound Trips by Type of Expenditure and Region, 2016

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  (Value in  USD)


*Type of Expenditure
Palestine West Bank Gaza Strip
142.6 114.3 453.0 Food and Drinks
403.1 391.1 535.1 Shopping
145.8 119.1 439.1 Transportations
20.5 14.5 87.0 Telecommunications
333.2 283.9 874.8 Tourism Agencies
26.5 23.8 55.7 Entertainments
62.7 41.9 290.8 Accommodations
209.0 134.6 1,025.8 Other 
1,343.4 1,123.1 3,761.3 Average

*Coefficient of Variation is high except spending on food & drink and transportation in Palestine and the West Bank