Registered Marriages Cases in Palestine by Age of Groom and Bride - 2015

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Age of Groom Age of Bride Total
14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50+
15-19 192 2525 291 22 3 1 0 0 0 3,034
20-24 458 11748 8324 478 54 10 6 3 0 21,081
25-29 97 5701 9082 2122 191 30 6 0 1 17,230
30-34 7 739 2334 1226 319 61 12 5 1 4,704
35-39 2 98 463 595 322 115 20 4 2 1,621
40-44 0 18 142 272 244 103 34 14 2 829
45-49 0 11 56 141 194 120 57 27 4 610
50+ 2 11 50 144 284 336 266 152 84 1,329
Total 758 20,851 20,742 5,000 1,611 776 401 205 94 50,438