Eggs Prepared for Hatching and Produced Chicks (Broilers and Layers) in Operating Hatcheries in Palestine by Month, 2015

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Number in Thousand
Month Broilers Layers Total
Eggs Prepared for Hatching Number of Produced Chicks Eggs Prepared for Hatching Number of Produced Chicks Eggs Prepared for Hatching Number of Produced Chicks
Total 102570.2 75536 1734.6 767.1 104304.8 76303.1
January 8620.7 6512.9 165.8 84.2 8786.5 6597.1
February 6629.5 4859.6 40 17.6 6669.5 4877.2
March 8053.9 5842.9 - - 8053.9 5842.9
April 8930.7 6576.5 632.1 235.7 9562.8 6812.2
May 9418 6897.2 388 153.2 9806 7050.4
June 9354.9 6960.1 167 142.5 9521.9 7102.6
July 8196.9 5823.3 85 36.1 8281.9 5859.4
August 9878 7273.4 19.5 8 9897.5 7281.4
September 8841.3 6695.8 20 7.4 8861.3 6703.2
October 8028.5 5838.9 194.4 75.4 8222.9 5914.3
November 7907.4 5857 22.8 7 7930.2 5864
December 8710.4 6398.4 - - 8710.4 6398.4

(-) : Nill
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, 2015.Ramallah - Palestine