Number of Fishermen and Number of Boats in Gaza Strip by Governorate and Type of Boat, 2021

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  Total  No. of Boats

Type of Boat

     No. of Fishermen Governorate
Hasaka with Oars and Felucca Hasaka (Line) Hasaka (Net) Hasaka Shanshula Launch Shanshula Launch Trawler
1,739 40 779 715 139 54 12 4,054 Gaza Strip
158 - 126 32 - - - 281 North Gaza
687 40 173 355 65 42 12 1,732 *Gaza
382 - 231 118 32 1 - 717 Dier Al-Balah
284 - 156 111 12 5 - 766 KhanYunis
228 - 93 99 30 6 - 558 Rafah

(-) : Nill
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, 2022. Ramallah - Palestine