Average Consumer Prices in Gaza Strip for Selected Energy Types by Month, 2015

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Energy Type Month
     LPG     (NIS/12 Kg) Kerosene (NIS/Liter) Coal (NIS/Kg) Gasoline* (NIS/Liter) Diesel (NIS/Liter)
64.00 5.61 6.17 6.05 5.61  January  
60.00 5.31 6.17 5.85 5.31  February
63.00 5.69 6.17 6.23 5.69  March
62.50 5.54 6.17 6.29 5.54  April
58.33 5.65 6.17 6.40 5.65  May
57.67 5.66 6.17 6.41 5.66  June
53.00 5.57 6.33 6.41 5.57  July
51.67 5.28 6.33 6.17 5.28  August
52.33 5.18 6.33 5.89 5.18  September
51.00 5.21 6.33 5.89 5.21  October
51.00 5.13 6.33 5.84 5.13  November
51.83 5.10 6.33 5.87 5.10  December
56.36 5.41 6.25 6.11 5.41 Average Annual Price

* Refers to the Israeli 95 gasoline. 
Source: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 2016. Consumer Price Survey 2015.  Ramallah - Palestine.