Quantity of Electricity Imported and Purchased (MWh) in Gaza Strip by Source and Month, 2015

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Total Source Month
Purchased from Palestine Electric Company Total Imported
Israeli Electricity Company Egypt
       122,337          31,889              90,448                   72,365                18,083  January
       118,304          32,694              85,610                   67,527                18,083  February
       104,422            7,512              96,910                   78,827                18,083  March
       123,388          27,159              96,229                   78,146                18,083  April
       130,929          33,578              97,351                   79,268                18,083  May
       129,459          31,880              97,579                   79,496                18,083  June
       121,147          23,874              97,273                   79,190                18,083  July
       134,872          36,209              98,663                   80,580                18,083  August
       117,651          32,011              85,640                   77,777                  7,863  September
       124,071          31,180              92,891                   80,041                12,850  October
       120,837          28,386              92,451                   80,523                11,928  November
       139,026          38,598            100,428                   87,542                12,886  December
   1,486,443        354,970        1,131,473                941,282             190,191  Total

Source: Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority, 2016. Unpublished Data.  Ramallah - Palestine