Quantity of Electricity Imported (MWh) in the West Bank
by Source and Month, 2015

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Total Source Month
Israeli Electricity Company Jordan
447,714 442,261 5,453  January
390,847 390,811 36  February
345,252 345,252                         -  March
323,438 323,421 17  April
308,035 306,717 1,318  May
307,046 306,965 81  June
336,011 327,444 8,567  July
383,809 372,159 11,650  August
355,546 347,890 7,656  September
318,019 312,849 5,170  October
323,086 322,911 175  November
442,812 441,545 1,267  December
4,281,615 4,240,225 41,390  Total

(-): Nill
Source: Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority, 2016. Unpublished Data.  Ramallah - Palestine