Building Licenses Issued in Palestine by Building Ownership 1997-2001, 2004- 2007, 2010-2016

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 Year Building Ownership
2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2007 2006 2005 2004 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997
8,992 7,781 7,689 7,433 6,092 7,167 4,639 4,008 5,560 7,145 4,415 4,457 8,162 9,792 8,885 8,290 Private
46 44 39 42 46 69 43 48 57 72 44 120 94 57 35 51 Governmental
18 22 28 24 30 32 58 21 16 41 56 28 19 41 20 20 Local Authrity
13 3 22 9 12 9 5 4 7 32 10 8 10 27 10 25 Cooperative
9 15 12 16 18 13 15 16 25 35 33 28 15 19 20 17 Benevolent
7 8 2 4 5 12 3 8 9 6 6 8 1 3 11 7 Other*
9,085 7,873 7,792 7,528 6,203 7,302 4,763 4,105 5,674 7,331 4,564 4,649 8,301 9,939 8,981 8,410 Total

Note:  Data dose not iclude the camps and those parts of  Jerusalem  which were annexed by Israel in 1967. 
* Other includes not stated cases.